BOX II - Index of Documents relating to Cornworthy Parish (except Priory) - Part 1

Index #TitleAuthor/sPublisherDateNotes
C001Records of Cornworthy ParishDevon Record OfficeA very useful summary of documents held in the record office
C002Research Notes re East CornworthyElizabeth DrewNotes, transcripts, photocopies & maps related to the hamlet
C003Research Notes re BroadridgeElizabeth DrewA collection of notes, transcripts, photocopies & maps related to the hamlet including several C17 indentures relating to land deals
C004Cummings Family ArchiveInformation & photographs including a CD-ROM of photographs & text
C005Trist Family informationPeter Trist2003An email with family information
C006Domesday entries interpretationTDAInterpretations of entries for Cornworthy & other villages
C007Dean Milles Questionnare & DescriptionDean MillesC18Photocopies & interpretations of Dean Milles survey report
C008aCornworthy Tithe Apportionment1841Transcript of original
C008bCornworthy Tithe ApportionmentDevon County Council1841Transcript of original - tabulated - A more useful version in Excel which can be interrogated can be found at historicenvironment/tithe-map/cornworthy/
C008cCornworthy Tithe ApportionmentDevon Record Office1841Original (photocopied reproduction)
C009Field names of archaeological interestSuggested interpretations of field names

BOX III - Index of Documents relating to Cornworthy Parish (except Priory) - Part 2

Index #TitleAuthor/sPublisherDateNotes
C010Notes from Parish Council Books 1878-1967Sue Stevenson1994An eclectic collection of items
C011Notes from Rural Dean's Visitation BookSue Stevenson1995
C012Kelly's Directories 1897 & 1926Photocopies
C013The Glorious Dead 1914-18 & 1939-45Details of casualties & memorials
C014Documents re land adjacent to Village HallElizabeth Sherwood2008Details & correspondence re safety issue
C015Report on Interior Woodwork of St Peter'sHugh Harrison2009Report on the condition of St Peter's woodwork commissioned by Anthony Hawkes containing excellent photographs & commentary
C016Notes on the history of St Peter's 2010An eclectic collection of items
C017Service for Diamond Jubilee at St Peter's2012Hymns & prayers for the service
C018Research Notes re Cornworthy ChurchElizabeth DrewNotes related to the church
C019Research Notes re Cornworthy & East CornworthyElizabeth DrewNotes on various topics in the Cornworthy area
C020Sale notice of lands in Cornworthy Parish 29/05/ 1799Detailed account of lands for sale mentioning many holdings, farmhouses & cottages including 'Tuckney Mills'
C021Notes on Cornworthy & TuckenhaySki Harrison2005Miscellaneous notes on various village locations
C022Reminscences of Miss Winifred Tozer b1893Taped by 'RW'1977Memories of village life in Cornworthy &c
C023Plan of Dean Prior Cottage, Abbey RoadAnthony HarrisonPlan made prior to reconfiguration of cottage
C024Brief obituary of Jack GeatchesACD Parish Magazine2009Brief details of a farmer of Court Prior Farm
C025Cornworthy Pony Races1951Programme of Event
C026Cornworthy Parish RecordsDevon Record OfficeDevon County Councilc2001A catalogue of Cornworthy Parish records deposited at the Devon Record Office 1971-2001
C027Sale Notice of the East Cornworthy Estate18/03/ 1837Detailed account and map of lands for sale mentioning several holdings & dwellings with a separate map and details of Broadridge
C028Time Line for the Church of St Peter, CornworthyJo CoxKeystone Historic Buildings Consultants02/2010A summary of the evolution of the chirch building 1788-1994 + other source quotations
C029Parish Enquiry17/05/ 1907The findings an of enquiry into the Peter's & Harris's Gifts & Church House Charity with an account of the foundation of the school
A009Ashprington & Cornworthy Parish Surveys 2004-5CD-ROM of files derived from an extensive local authority survey of the two parishes

BOX IV - Index of Documents relating to Cornworthy Priory

Index #TitleAuthor/sPublisherDateNotes
CP001.1 CP001.2 CP001.3 CP001.4The Priory for Nuns of St Mary, Cornworthy, DevonEdward Windeatt & Hugh R WatkinDevon & Cornwall Notes & Queries1921Excellent account of succession of prioresses & buildings based on trial excavations in 1920. Published in four sections
CP002Devon Religious Houses Survey, Archaeological Report No12, Cornworthy PrioryPJ WeddellDevon County Council1986Useful summary of surface archaeology in the mid-1980s
CP003Cornworthy PrioryWR Wilson-NorthRoyal Commission for Historical Monuments1992Detailed topographic survey of the priory site with excellent map
CP004Cornworthy PrioryEdmund Drew1994Summary of other papers esp Windeatt & Watkin
CP005Schedule of Monuments - Cornworthy PrioryEnglish Heritage1994
CP006Survey of Cornworthy Priory GatehouseA J MatthewsExeter Archaeology, Exeter City Council1995Excellent survey of the above-ground remains. Accurate architectural drawings & photographs
CP007Report of Geophysical Survey of Cornworthy Priory, South Hams, Devon Jenni Turner (?)University of East Anglia2009Interesting but of limited value. Only scanned material that could be magnetised. Did not include the probable claustral site!
CP008Cornworthy Priory & Court AbbeyElizabeth Jarrold2010Section of Jarrold's book 3 Great Houses, 54 Families, 800 Years. An excellent account of ownership descent pre- & post-dissolution.
CP009Scheduled Monument Notesc2004Taken from a computer log & difficult to follow
CP010A Story of Life in Cornworthy PrioryElizabeth Drew
CP011Devon Historic Environment RecordDevon County CouncilSome useful detail & a good bibliography
CP012List EntriesHistoric England &cBrief descriptions by national organisations
CP013Miscellaneous NotesVarious
CP014Research Notes re Cornworthy PrioryElizabeth DrewNotes from various sources including commentary on Dugdale's Monasticum Anglicanum

BOX IV - Index of Maps relating to Cornworthy Priory

Index #TitleAuthor/sPublisherDateNotes
CPM0011:63360 1" First SeriesOrdnance Survey1809Limited information
CPM002Trace of Tithe MapAnthony Harrison1844Excellent detail of barn & yard mid-C19
CPM003Map based on CPM007 with annotationsWindeatt & Watkin / Anthony Harrisonc1920Excellent detail of barn & yard mid-C19
CPM004Trace of Tithe MapDevon County Property Department1844Excellent detail of barn & yard mid-C19
CPM0051:2500 25" Ordnance Survey1888Fine detail with assumed 'Chapel' site
CPM0061:2500 25"Ordnance Survey1904Fine detail with assumed 'Chapel' site
CPM007Archaeological surveyWindeatt & Watkinc1920Detailed conjectural map of claustral buildings described by Windeatt & Watkin in CP001
CPM008Map based on CPM007Windeatt & Watkinc1920Detailed conjectural map of claustral buildings described by Windeatt & Watkin in CP001
CPM009Map based on CPM007 with photograph sight linesWindeatt & Watkin / Tom Appletonc1920Photographic site lines after vegetation clearance in 2009
CPM010RAF Aerial photographMOD1946Indistinct photograph
CPM0111:25000 2.5"Ordnance Survey1960Some buildings shown
CPM012Map showing remains of masonry PJ WeddellOrdnance Survey1964Crude shading of masonry areas. Taken from CP002
CPM013.1 CPM013.2Topographic map of priory siteWR Wilson-NorthRCHM1992From the topographic survey document CP003
CPM0141:2441 Open Street MapEnglish Heritage2009Poor detail
CPM015Outline topographic map showing possible sites of buildingsDevon County Property Department?Relates to CP001 & CP002