The Group's archives consist of physical documents, books, photographs, maps, etc., organised into subject areas. Over time we plan to digitise these and provide them here...


The WDHG Archive

The WDHG Archive is a catalogued collection of actual documents, maps, images and artefacts and also part of this website. The collection is held currently in a building at Kerswell, at Furze Cross on the Cornworthy to Tideford road. Items may be consulted there and a table is available for working. A small heater keeps the documents - and Archive users - warm. Archives may not be removed from the archive room. Photocopies of documents can be provided at a charge of 25p per page (A4 size).

The WDHG Committee invites its members and other local residents to entrust interesting local documents, maps, images and artefacts to the Archive for inclusion in the collection and/or addition to the website where appropriate.

Archives may be view by arrangement with Graham Hawkins.  Call 732013 to arrange a time.